A Study of Flip Chip Microwave Device with Protecting Capability Submount(III)

  • Chang, Liann-Be (PI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Excess heat will limit the output performance of GaN related power devices, and the long time existed low electric static discharge (ESD) handling capability is the common problem of large scale GaN devices. Therefore, in the first year of this project we have used the Flip Chip (FC) technology to solve the heat-sinking problem of a High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) and constructed a vertical MIS capacitance structure on the Silicon FC submount to improve the ESD handling ability. However, insertion loss is an important issue of those FC microwave power devices and the capacitance of the correspondent MIS FC submount structure could cause that high insertion loss. Therefore, by altering the vertical MIS capacitance structure to lateral MIM capacitance structure in this project, with low insertion loss, the proposed silicon or AlN FC submount still can sink heat and prevent the ESD damage effectively. Furthermore, this project will also adopt high-k materials or ZnO as the dielectric layer to fabricate FC submonut to study their correspondent ESD handling capability. Furthermore, large-scale high output power HEMT is not easy to fabricate. If we want to rise the output power, we need to increase the length width ratio respectively. However the complexity will increase tremendously and cause the yield decreasing. Therefore, in this project we will combine a single HEMT power module with two or more power HEMT devices on top of an impedance matching FC submount to increase the output power. The goal of this project is to achieve an output power of 10W with a single FC submount configuration.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB9907-8620
External Project ID:NSC99-2221-E182-057
Effective start/end date01/08/1031/07/11


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