A Study on Design of Interactive Indoor Wayfinding Map for Elder Users (Ii)

  • Chen, Chun-Wen (PI)
  • Tseng, Kevin C. (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


A study on design of interactive indoor wayfinding map for elder users (II) Wayfinding map is a type of map for wayfinding. Its content and design is mainly for supporting wayfinding. As information technology advances rapidly, maps are digitalized to be more dynamic and interactive. Indoor wayfinding maps, such as you-are-here maps in public spaces, can not satisfy user’s needs for the problems of the individual spatial ability or graphic design quality. If the maps can be made with interactive technology, it is possible to provide better wayfinding functions. Aging is the process that specific physiological and psychological functions change as age increase. When elder people use information tools, the problems of use intention and acceptance, beyond personal ability, may emerge. Maps may provide elder people with spatial information functions and let them get psychological satisfaction. With appropriate designed maps, elder people can handle the rapidly changing social space, and get easy and independent life. This research will use the total acceptance of interactive wayfinding map for elder people as criteria. Prototype of interactive indoor wayfinding map will be developed. With data gathered from the developing process and usability evaluation, the proper interface design of interactive indoor wayfinding maps for elder people will be analyzed and discussed. This research consists of two stages. The first stage is the first year of the continuous research projects. The aim of the first stage is to establish appropriate model of interactive indoor wayfinding map with literature review, elder user behavior study, system analysis, and system design. Wayfinding protocol is used to collect data to acquire user needs and experience. The inputs and outputs of the system are defined and the control and the display are designed from user needs. The second stage is the second year of the continuous research projects, i.e. this research project. The aim of the second stage is to make the system and to evaluate it. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is adopted to evaluate the total acceptance. System production is conducted with interactive media authoring tools. To test the usability of the system, tasks are given to participants on different operation platform. To get the system acceptance data, 5-scale Likert questionnaire are used. All data are analyzed and discussed to conclude appropriate interface design guidelines of interactive wayfinding maps for elder users.

Project IDs

Project ID:PE10007-1363
External Project ID:NSC100-2410-H182-025
Effective start/end date01/08/1131/07/12


  • wayfinding map
  • interaction design
  • elderly people


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