Advances in Liquid Biopsy-Based Biomarkers from the Personalized Medicine for Real-Time Monitoring of Disease Evolution and Treatment Responses of Autoimmune Kidney Disease Using Atr-Ftir Technology

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


本研究計劃將預期發展出ㄧ個精準且高效率的診斷技術用來改善免疫性腎臟病例如紅斑性狼瘡腎炎的防治。此研究成果所建立的研究方法、擷取的血清和病理光譜|、醣基變化數據和相關臨床檢驗報告將匯集成為資料庫,未來將結合電腦演算法,發展為自動化(智能)的分析工具軟體及診斷平台,將有助於加速臨床成功轉譯和實用性 。

Project IDs

Project ID:PC11007-2591
External Project ID:MOST110-2314-B182-021
Effective start/end date01/08/2131/07/22


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