An Early Brief Intervention Program for Post-concussion Symptoms---A Prospective Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Paper-Version and Mobilized Cloud Applications

  • Yang, Chi-Cheng (PI)
  • Huang, Sheng Jean (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Background: Post concussion symptoms (PCS) are not uncommon after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Although most PCS has gradually recovered at 3 months post-injury, few patients still reported persistent symptoms, which significantly interfered with their social and occupational capacities, even one year after injuries. Unfortunately, no effective programs were developed to reduce the PCS in Eastern societies. In addition, because the mobile technology has been evidenced as an effective intervention method to manage the problems of health-related behaviors, this study thus has three specific aims: (1) to examine the effectiveness of a developed brief intervention program for PCS; (2) to establish a mobilized intervention program for PCS; and (3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the mobilized program for the PCS. Methods:This will be a 3-phase study during a period of 3 years. Two hundred participants, who include 50 patients with mTBI received paper version of intervention program, 50 patients received mobilized program, 50 patients received regular therapy for the PCS, and another 50 healthy participants, will be recruited. The PCS will be evaluated by the modified Checklist for Post-Concussion Symptoms (mCPCS), and all participants will be also evaluated for their neurobehavioral functions, which include intelligence, memory, executive functions, psychomotor speed, and emotional disturbances. During the first phase, the effectiveness of the paper version of the intervention program will be examined. During the second, the mobilized intervention program will be established. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the paper and mobilized versions of intervention program was compared. During the last phase, the persistent effectiveness of both programs was further evaluated. Expected Results:Patients with mTBI reported significant PCS, and 10% of the patients suffered from the PPCS. Our results further revealed that both the paper and mobilized versions of intervention program will be effective to reduce the PCS. In addition, the reduction of PCS after the mobilized intervention program will be significantly greater than other treatment methods.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10307-0521
External Project ID:MOST103-2410-H182-004
Effective start/end date01/08/1431/07/15


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