Analysis of bHLH Transcription Factor Her/Hey Family in Rhombomere Patterning and Neurogenesis (I)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Understanding how diversity of neural cells is generated is one of the main tasks of developmental biology since it may have important implications for repair therapies of the injured nervous system and tumours. The vertebrate hindbrain provides a very useful model system for addressing fundamental problems related to neural tissue patterning, neural cell signalling, proliferation, migration, and differentiation. In recent work, I have shown with my former colleagues that Notch and Wnt signalling are involved in the regulation of cell affinity and inhibition of neurogenesis in the hindbrain which provides insights into a novel regulatory mechanism and advancing the understanding of neural cells patterning. Although the Her/Hey family is a potential target of Notch signal, their response to Notch signalling and their roles in neurogenesis are still controversial. I already have preliminary results showing promising expressing pattern of two Her homologues in the hindbrain and morpholino knockdown experiment shows a defect in hindbrain patterning. In this project I will obtain all the other Her/Hey zebrafish homologues and analyse their expression and functions in zebrafish hindbrain in order to answer the fundamental questions about regional patterning and the generation of cell diversity in the nervous system.

Project IDs

Project ID:PA9408-0816
External Project ID:NSC94-2311-B182-004
Effective start/end date01/08/0531/07/06


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