Assessment of 3d Biologically Weighted Absorbed Doses for Proton Therapy

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Proton therapy has gained more interest in recent years as it can deliver most of the radiation dose to tumour whilst sparing the normal tissue. This is clearly demonstrated by the increasing number of patients treated using such a state-of-the-art modality. Until September 9, 2014, there are fifty-one particle facilities in operation, twenty-seven facilities are under construction, and more than 100,000 patients have been treated worldwide (PTCOG, 2014). In Taiwan, there are five proton/carbon centres currently in the phase of initialisation and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, will officially accept patients by middle 2015. In addition to its excellent physical dose distribution, the radiation quality of proton beam is also higher especially when the tumour is nearby critical organs, when low energy protons or secondary particles (with higher LET) travel through low density organs, and while treating small tumour where the RBE in distal edge may be sensitive to location. In this three-year proposal, we will use microdosimetry method and implement a mini TEPC and GEANT4/FLUKA/MCNPX codes to study the variation of lineal energy and to derive the 3D biological weighted dose for the wobbling and pencil beam scanning system in CGMH proton facility. The study of microdosimetry, RBE, 3D biological weighting dose distribution is, therefore, critical for a better estimation of proton/carbon treatment doses. In addition, the RBE variation may affect the dose accuracy of treatment planning. There are totally 15 proton/carbon treatment rooms which are proposed/planned/almost ready currently. Our experiences can also benefit those proton facilities. In addition, there will be a huge shortage of human resource on proton therapy and related researches. Partial of such shortage can be filled with worker and researcher trained in this project.

Project IDs

Project ID:PC10408-2444
External Project ID:MOST104-2314-B182-043
Effective start/end date01/08/1531/07/16


  • Microdosimetry
  • Proton Therapy
  • RBE
  • TEPC
  • Monte Carlo


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