Capillary Electrophoretic Analysis of the Tandemly Repeated Hypervariable Apoliprotein B Gene on Chinese

  • Sun, Chien-Feng (PI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


在這一研究中,我們試以ApoB VNTR作為研究之 標的先行以PCR技術將其複製.再利用毛細管電 泳分析再將其分離.我們想藉再現性高(Elution time洗提誤差1%以下)之毛細管電泳,建立一套標 準之方法,可以正確的分離VNTR之PCR產物至每一 個重複單位之Alleles,並進而建立國人ApoB VNTR各 種Alleles型別之數據資料,以利親子鑑定之應用, 並做為日後研究ApoB gene和心臟血管病變危險因 子Linkage之基礎.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB8407-1022
External Project ID:NSC84-2331-B182-092
Effective start/end date01/08/9431/10/95


  • Variable numbers of tandemly repeats
  • Apolipoprotein B VNTR
  • Capillaryelectrophoresis
  • Polymerase chain reaction


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