Computerized Painrelieveit Protocol for Cancer Pain---An International Coordination Study

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Pain is a frequent companion of people living with cancer and is the most feared cancer symptom. However, 90% cancer-related pain can be partially or totally relieved through deliberate use of pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral interventions, including patient education. Unfortunately, effective therapies are not prescribed for many patients and pivotal barriers prevent other patients from using them when they are prescribed. Compelling evidence indicates that the problem of inadequate control of cancer-related pain involves multi-factorial barriers. Three essential barriers are 1) inadequate assessment and documentation of pain in routine cancer care; 2) clinicians’ insufficient knowledge about using appropriate analgesics; and 3) inaccurate information that lead patients to have misconceptions about pain management. Managing cancer pain more efficiently requires a new paradigm. Fortunately, recent advances in computer technologies provide innovative opportunities to improve effectiveness of pain management and to clarify misconceptions.We propose a study testing PAINRelieveIt, a computerized tool with pain report scales, decision support for clinicians and multimedia patient education customized to the needs of the individual cancer patient in the United States (US) and in Taiwan. It is a six-year study and has been funded by National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute (grant number: 2 RO1 CA081918) at the US site since 2003. It will be a five-year study in Taiwan. In the first, the refined Chinese version of McGill Pain Questionnaire will be validated. In the second year, the content of computerized PAINRelieveIt Protocol for cancer pain will be translated and validated. A feasibility study will be conducted by using the computerized PAINRelieveIt Protocol for cancer pain in the clinical setting. In the third and the fourth year, cancer patients will be recruited and each patient will be followed for 4 weeks. In the fifth year, cancer patients will continue to be recruited and followed. Finally, we will complete the analysis and write the final report. Results of this study can lead us to understand the clinical outcomes of the computerized PAINRelieveIt Protocol for cancer pain. This intervention protocol can be used in regular clinical care to assist health care providers to provide pain assessment and intervention to their clients. It may decrease the pain interference of individual and improve their quality of care

Project IDs

Project ID:PC9709-1233
External Project ID:NSC97-2314-B182-036-Y
Effective start/end date01/08/0831/07/09


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