Correlations between Circulating Tumor Cells Identified by a High-Efficient Platform and Cancer Survival in Oral Cavity Cancer Patients with Positive Pathological Extra-Nodal Extension: a Feasibility Study of Personalized Adjuvant Strategy.

  • Wang, Hung-Ming (PI)
  • Chen, Jen Shi (CoPI)
  • Hsieh, Chia Hsun (CoPI)
  • Huang, Pei Wei (CoPI)
  • Liao, Chun Ta (CoPI)
  • Wu, Min-Hsien (CoPI)
  • Yen, Tzue-Chen (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the 4th highest incidence of cancer and 6th of cancer death of the males in Taiwan. Because the patients were mainly middle-aged male, the disease eventually resulted in a huge loss of labor force, productivity and a huge burden of family supports and medicinal costs. Unfortunately, the incidence and death of HNSCC seemed to be increasing in Taiwan. Currently, the primary treatments of HNSCC are mainly surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or targeted therapy or concurrent chemoradiotherapy. However, our reports showed quite the opposite prognostic value in oral cavity cancer. The inconsistent data urges us to investigate further. Fortunately, in recent years, we have developed a new method for isolation and detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in HNSCC patients. Our data found that high level of CTCs in patients with HNSCC (Wang/Hsieh et al. 2014) and might be associated with disease prognosis, response to treatment and distant metastasis.This novel tool enhances the studies addressing on metastases or recurrence process in HNSCC patients. Therefore, in the 3-year project, we will utilize our developing device and protocol (Lin et al. 2013 & Huang et al. 2013) to isolate and identify high-purity CTCs. In the whole 3 years of the project, we will enroll oral cavity cancer patients with positive ENE (n=100) and 20 healthy donors for cell line tests, and then analyze CTCs every 3 months until one year after CCRT. Further statistical tests with clinical conditions (disease status, treatment effects, progression or distant metastasis and death) will be performed to elucidate their clinical significance. We will also analyze the habitual status of alcohol; cigarette and betel nut use to CTCs. Hopefully, we will clarify the clinical significance of dynamic changes/trend of CTC number in ENE+oral cavity patients by this study and provide a new biomarker for clinical cancer care

Project IDs

Project ID:PC10908-0200
External Project ID:MOST109-2314-B182-068
Effective start/end date01/08/2031/07/21


  • oral cavity cancer
  • Extranodal Extension
  • Circulating Tumor cells
  • Liquid Biopsy
  • Relapse


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