Design and Implement the Efficient Algorithms for Cooperative Mobile Sensor Robots To Solve the Localization and Map Construction(II)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


The key techniques in mobile sensor networks are localization and mapping. An efficient algorithm is not only required for autonomous exploration but also fast setup of service robots in unknown environments. The main task of this subproject is to design a distributed energy-efficient algorithm for relative localization among robots according to their sensing data, and for map construction based on the information of relative location and the sensing results of environments. Different from the traditional expensive robots used to process the localization and mapping with accurate equipments and large energy, our cost-efficient robots through their cooperation can achieve the same goals equipped with simple sensing devices and strictly energy consumption. The fundamental motivations of research in multiple cooperative robots systems are listed as follow: (1) the ability to solve problems that are inherently distributed in space, time, or functionality, (2) the ability to solve problems faster through the use of parallelism, and (3) the ability to increase solution robustness through the use of redundancy. However, the design of multiple cooperative robots is difficulty due to their autonomous and distributed naturals. Our research addresses this challenging problem by developing distributed sensing and control techniques that enable large numbers of cheap robots to share capabilities to solve challenging problems. This is an integrated project: the subproject 1 supplies the wireless medium access control protocols, the subproject 2 supplies the physical layer protocol, the subproject 3 and 4 supply a complete hardware architecture of mobile wireless sensor robots including a simple operation system. Hence, to achieve the localization and mapping construction, our subproject must depend on the research results of other ones. Based on the localization and mapping construction, the subproject 6 could implement the application of finding

Project IDs

Project ID:PB9408-3247
External Project ID:NSC94-2213-E182-005
Effective start/end date01/08/0531/07/06


  • mobile sensor networks
  • wireless sensor robots
  • localization
  • mapping


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