Design and Implementation of High Electric-Field Generator for Plant and Liquid Food Sterilization Applications

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


The objectives of generator ( HEFG ) for increase growth of plant, fruit extraction and liquid food sterilization applications. In the research, the HEFGs, which includes DC HEFGs, narrow HEFGs and wide ones, can generate ranges of output voltage from 600V ~ ± 50kV. Several kinds of converters and switch driving circuits will be proposed for implementing of the voltages can be programmed according to the desired applications. We will work with researchers and experts for increase growth of plants and liquid food sterilization under continuous chamber. The project will last for three years. In the first year, we will focus on mapping out a plan to implement HEFGs for increase growth of plants and fruit extraction. In the second year, we will focus on developing and implementing HEFGs for nitrogen fixation system and tea preprocess. In the third year, we will focus on developing HEFGs for the organic potting soil and liquid food sterilization . Additionally, we will establish a technical platform for further research and conduct system commercialization. In this research project, the designed systems are highly innovative and feasible. They are relatively competitive because they possess small volume and facilitate to implement module and to maintain them. Our research group has already accumulated the design experience of HEFGs for many years. In addition, we have proven the feasibility of the proposed system in stun gun system and a small amount of liquid food sterilization under static chamber. Therefore, we strongly believe than we are able to fulfill the goals of this project. In particular, this research is a project of a cross - filed research. We hope not only to encourage the cross - field research in Taiwan, but to incubate the cross - field researchers by executing this project. It is worth of dedicating in putting long - term effort to them.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10108-2823
External Project ID:NSC101-2221-E182-063
Effective start/end date01/08/1231/07/13


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