Design and Implementation of Wireless Embedded Sensor Networks Based Old Age Home Monitoring

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


In this proposed project of international cooperation and exchange program, we would like to design and implement a wireless embedded sensor networks (WESN) that can work autonomously to monitor the old people those who cannot be taken care by their children at work or those who live far away from their family and relatives. Before designing the WESN, our goal is to analyze the Tiny OS and Contiki OS, which are normally used in wireless sensors and to design a better embedded system that can enhance the functionality of Octopus II sensor node. Besides, an efficient data warehouse will be designed to monitor the old age homes remotely and to transmit data to the Android mobiles of the relatives of those old adults. The main objective of this cooperation is to integrate the strong software development ability of the Indian professors and students with strong hardware/network protocol development and research ability of Taiwan professor and students. The project will be of three years duration and to accomplish the goals of the project, the Indian and Taiwan research teams will visit time to time to exchange their innovative thoughts and to implement it perfectly.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10103-0034
External Project ID:NSC101-2923-E182-001-MY3
Effective start/end date01/03/1231/12/12


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