Development of an Algorithm Visualization System for 3D Geometric Computing

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Algorithm visualization is a unique research topic that integrates engineering skills such as computer graphics, system programming, database management, computer networks, etc., to facilitate algorithmic researchers in testing their ideas, demonstrating new findings, and teaching algorithm design in the classroom. In our previous work, we have developed a geometric algorithm visualization system, GeoBuilder, under the supervision of Professor Der-Tsai Lee. The GeoBuilder system is designed for 2D and 3D geometric computing with supports of C/C++ LEDA library. In the current stage, our system is online and servers as an implementation platform for teaching a graduate course, geometric computing and algorithm visualization, in the Department of Computer and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University. Benefits from the visualization function are clearly observed in the classroom. Although the GeoBuilder system is equipped with a powerful drawing engine for use in 2D and 3D environments, there still remain performance issues that deserve further research, e.g., system portability, collaboration capability, and animation effect in 3D environments. This two-year project is aimed to upgrade our system in three aspects, i.e., (1) Java’s promise of portability, (2) engagement of collaboration in algorithm development, and (3) automatic camera positioning for tracking 3D geometric objects. In the first year, we will use the Java language to develop a host-independent client application for GeoBuilder. This implementation implies that we have to coordinate geometric objects across the C++ and Java languages. By doing so, geometric algorithm visualization can be realized on multiple platforms. Our design will also support online collaboration among multiple users and thus to enable a collaborative-learning and interactive-demonstration environment. Then in the next year, we will devote our efforts to the research of automatic camera positioning. Camera position is not a problem in 2D environments. However, it becomes serious in 3D environments because the geometric objects being visualized may overlap in front of the camera view. We will create an extensible rule-base for the GeoBuilder system allowing the camera to move to a proper position to focus on the objects in the next step. We will suggest simple decision rules and provide some examples for demonstrations. In this stage, the geometric objects will be converted into X3D (previously called VRML200x) compliant data format for video record and exchange among various systems. Based on Sun’s Java Web Start technology, our system can be embedded into any browser-enabled environment. We will plug the GeoBuilder application into our previously developed OpenCPS (Open Computational Problem Solving) knowledge portal as a standard implementation interface. The OpenCPS portal can thus become an efficient vehicle for e-learning and knowledge management.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB9806-0092
External Project ID:NSC98-2218-E182-005
Effective start/end date01/08/0931/07/10


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