Effects of Hypoxic Exercise Training on Physiology by Metabolic Profiles in Human Biofluids_3

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Exercise provides numerous salutary effects, such as to cut the risk of heart disease, improve in the delivery of oxygen to our body muscles, decrease the mental anxiety, and lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Further research indicated that increased physical activity is associated with decrease incidence and mortality rates for various cancers. However, report showed the potential for heat exhaustion and collapse by runners during races, which may be caused by elevated levels of oxidative stress, decrease fibrinolysis ability, and promoting platelet activation and coagulation cascades that damage the immune response. On the other hand, systemic hypoxia conditions occurring at high altitude lead to acclimatization processes in responses to minimize tissue damage, such as gradually increase pulmonary ventilation, enhance oxygen transportation efficiency in circulating system, and subsequently improve physical fitness. However, hypoxic states of human tissue belong to the most frequent and dangerous diseases of modern times. They results from disturbed oxygen supply to cells, which is insufficient to meet their metabolic demands. The beneficial or detrimental effects of hypoxia may vary substantially with the concentration of O2 exposure. Apparently not much work has explored how hypoxia/exercise intervention affects metabolic profiles of human biofluids, which could depend on the mode, strength, and duration of exercise, and will be the major topics of our serial research in this proposal. One of specific aims of this project is to establish analytical methodologies to support metabolomics research. After the first two years of our study, both global metabolite profiling and targeted metabolomic analysis have been well developed in our lab and are applying in the study of exercise physiology as this project proposed. Recent results present a thorough profile of hypoxia’s or exercise’s impact on the human body’s metabolites in urine, and reveals vast biological differences with/without hypoxia or exercise intervention individually. In addition, the level of quantification of targeted metabolites, prostaglandin F2 and F2-Isoprostanes in inflammation and oxidative stress related pathology is sensitive enough to fulfill investigation simultaneously in urine and plasma. For the third year of this proposal, the effects of urinary and plasma metabolic profiles by exercise integrating with hypoxia intervention will be determined and their correlation into the biological meaningful metabolic networking will be identified and quantified as well. Following previous results, the changes of metabolic profiles in response to proper long-term intermittent hypoxia/exercise training will be evaluated. The results obtained from these new and complex studies will develop suitable exercise combined environmental regimens for health-related sciences, and may further present a framework for assessing studies in exercise physiology. In addition, they will provide a better understanding of exercise physiology to guide individuals wishing to attain their objectives of optimal fitness and health with minimal risk, and update the knowledge base of exercise physiology.

Project IDs

Project ID:PC10108-0745
External Project ID:NSC101-2410-H182-028
Effective start/end date01/08/1231/07/13


  • exercise
  • systemic hypoxia
  • hypoxia/exercise intervention
  • metabolomics
  • global metabolite profiling
  • targeted metabolomic analysis
  • and exercise


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