Equity in Health Care Financung, Delivery and Health Status in Asia Pacific Countries (II)

Project: Ministry of Health and WelfareMinistry of Health and Welfare Commission Research

Project Details


This proposal is for the phase 2 (Year 2) of the DOH grant support for participating in EU-funded three-year research project "Equity in health care financing, delivery and health status in Asia Pacific counties"(Equitap). This project aims to conduct a micro-data analysison on equity issues. Research subjects cover payment distribution, utilization analysis and health outcome analysis. Preliminary research results will be presented in the 4th Conference of International Health Economics Association (iHEA) held in June 2003 in San Francisco.

Project IDs

Project ID:PG9201-1550
External Project ID:DOH92-PL-1001
Effective start/end date01/01/0331/12/03


  • equity
  • health care delivery system
  • Asia-Pacific region


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