Exploring the Artificial Intelligence to Product Design Learning Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (I)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


This study integrates the three major aspects of industrial AI, AI industrialization, and deep learning civilization that integrates the aesthetic evaluation application of popular design, uses AI to analyze data to understand popular data and aesthetic design, and uses bags as products design cases to explore production, including correlation analysis of technology acceptance and aesthetic satisfaction that understanding consumer demand for future product competitiveness. Therefore, this study will allow designers (students) to learn about their popular design combined with industrial design education through cross-disciplinary research and supplemented by workshop practice, and use AI technology thinking to introduce into the product development process so that it can penetrate deeply into consumer lifestyle. By using AI artificial intelligence to create product design and predict consumer willingness to buy bags, how designers (students) can use AI artificial intelligence to increase product innovation. This study introduces a construction of AI into the design process mode, and proposes strategies for integrating AI into training designer’s direction, pursuing the improvement of sustainable living aesthetics to create new value for future education.

Project IDs

Project ID:PE10907-0872
External Project ID:MOST109-2410-H182-002
Effective start/end date01/08/2031/07/21


  • Tech-Craft
  • Design Education
  • Technology Acceptance Model
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Future Education


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