Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation for Epilepsy Treatment: a Feasibility Study

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Focused ultrasound has been discovered to be able to noninvasively modulate neuronal activity through the voltage-gated ion-channel protein regulation. The current developing medical device with their intention to perform neuromodulation for CNS disease (such as epilepsy) control all encounter critical limitations mainly due to their limited penetration. The major niche of focused ultrasound is the capability to deposit focal energy in the deep brain noninvasively. We therefore hypnotized the use of focused ultrasound as a neuromodulation tools can serve as a new tool for neural modulation, when integrating with assessment tools including EEG, MRI, fMRI, and also have great potential to be developed as a new CNS disorder therapy means. In addition, recently the development of acoustic vaporized droplet has been well developed and has the possibility to be locally uncage drugs locally via ultrasound energy induced vaporization, this physical effect explores the possibility in using focused ultrasound combined with ADV drug carrier to demonstrate its usage in epilepsy control. In this research project, we aim to develop means of using low-intensity focused ultrasound pulsations with the ADV administration to transiently modulate neurological functions for epileptic neuronal activity suppression. An integrated focused ultrasound/ EEG/ MRI/ fMRI assessment environment will be established for multimodality information retrieving, with the neuromodulating effect be evaluated in rats and primates. We aim to preclinically validate the therapeutic utility of the focused ultrasound/ ADV local neuronal release for neuromodulation and epileptic suppression. In order to fulfill the aim in implementing focused ultrasound ADV targeted drug release for epilepsy suppression, the following technological gaps should be filled: (1) To establish a small-animal focused ultrasound testing platform for neuromodulation, (2) to build a small-animal epilepsy model with the behaviorally and pathologically confirmed, (3) to integrate assessment tools with the ultrasound testing platforms including EEG, MEG, fMRI, and laser speckle imaging for investigating neurovascular interaction, and (4) to understand the behind mechanism and pathway that ultrasound neuromodulation is effective for epilepsy suppression. A three-year development is anticipated to fulfill the above mentioned tasks. The potential outcomes include the scientific progress, key technology and IP production, as well as personnel training for medical device or biological industries.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10901-2643
External Project ID:MOST108-2221-E182-018-MY3
Effective start/end date01/08/2031/07/21


  • Focused ultrasound
  • neuromodulation
  • acoustic droplet vaporization
  • epilepsy


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