Health Related Quality of Life of Intermittent Exotropia Children---Psychometric Characteristics of the Chinese Version and a Longitudinal Analysis

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Disease severity and treatment effectiveness of childhood intermittent exotropia were usually assessed by the objective indicators as angle of deviation, frequency of intermittent exotropia and the impact on visual function development. However, the impacts on life, mental health and development of children lack well-defined indicator. Develop and prospectively follow up the trends of subjective health-related quality of life (HRQoL) on long-term aspects were benefit to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and helpful for children and their family to cope with disease. The aim of this three-year study was to (1) develop Chinese version of intermittent exotropia quality of life questionnaire (CIXTQoL) using qualitative interview and cross-cultural instrument translation and validation method (2) prospectively evaluate the trends of HRQoL, stereoacuity, angle of deviation, best visual acuity and surgery satisfaction of the intermittent exotropia children. In first year, intermittent exotropia children and their family’s experience and illness impact were explored in this qualitative study. Sample was selected with purposive sampling method and a face to face interview was used to collect data. Thematic analysis was adopted to deal with the script and text. In second year, a cross-cultural translation and backward translation of Intermittent Exotropia Questionnaire (IXTQ)(5-7 years children version and parent version) were developed in this quantitative study. After combining the items developed in firs year study and items of IXTQ, the psychometric properties of CIXTQoL were vigorously testing. In third year, a prospective longitudinal study design was applied. Data of HRQoL, stereoacuity, angle of deviation, best visual acuity and surgery satisfaction of the intermittent exotropia children were collected with chart review and structured questionnaire interview methods before surgery, and then again 3 and 6 months after surgery. The differences of HRQoL score between postoperative and preoperative scores were compared across timing using General Estimating Equation and analysis of covariance.

Project IDs

Project ID:PC10501-1553
External Project ID:MOST103-2314-B182-007-MY3
Effective start/end date01/08/1631/07/17


  • intermittent exotropia
  • children
  • health-related quality of life
  • scale development


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