Implementation of Emergency Medicine Milestones for Residency Training: Full Scale Validation in Taiwan and Examining Clinical Teachers$ Intention to Apply Milestones for Clinical Assessment Based on Theory of Planed Behavior

  • Hsiao, Cheng-Ting (PI)
  • Chou, Fremen Chihchen (CoPI)
  • Yang, Chih Wei (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


The concept of competence-based medical education has been emphasized in contemporary medical education literature and practice. Through the preliminary local validation with the expert Delphi method, Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine (TSEM) has adopted (ACGME) Milestone Project for the Emergency Medicine (EM) residency training. To correspond to the local need of Taiwan society, comprehensive validation is necessary before formal implementation of the project. Besides, we need to know the factors which might affect clinical teachers’ intentions to use the Milestone-based clinical assessments because they are crucial to the success of the project. To meet the aims of the study, we will conduct the following two-year project. In the first year, we will design an EM Milestone comprehensive validation tool based on the preliminary EM Milestone validated by the local experts. Clinical teachers will be invited to validate the importance and competency level of each Milestone. Also, we will seek their opinions regarding the content of the Milestone. We will develop a questionnaire based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, with established validity and reliability, to investigate clinical teachers’ intention to use the Milestone to assess resident physicians’ competency. We will also investigate clinical teachers’ change in their intention-to- use after they participate in the comprehensive EM Milestone validation. In the second year, interpretation of the prior mentioned investigation will be generated through expert consensus. The final revisions or additions to the descriptions of milestone and the final competency level will also be made by expert consensus. One year later, as the clinical teachers experience various faculty development training sessions, their intentional change of using the Milestone will be investigated again. Interviews with representative clinical teachers will also be arranged to understand their experiences of using Milestone in clinical assessment and identify the promoting and impeding factors.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10507-1988
External Project ID:MOST105-2511-S182-003-MY2
Effective start/end date01/08/1631/07/17


  • sex
  • gender
  • liver
  • adipokine
  • SHBG
  • estrogen
  • androgen
  • menopause
  • CHB
  • CHC


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