Integral Study of Oral Cancer Cells Chronic Exposed to Areca Nut Extract: Transcriptome Profiling, Phenotype Characterization, and Clinical Implication.

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


In Taiwan, the incidence of oral cancer has become the 6th leading cancer, the 4th leading cancer in male in 2007, and is still increasing in the recent years. Since this cancer usually occurs in the middle age male, at the high peak of life responsibility, it has tremendous impact of family and society. Betel quid-chewing is the most common habit in oral cancer patients of Taiwan, suggesting close association of this habit with oral cancer formation. Areca nut is the key element of betel quid, so that the carcinogenic effect may mainly through the exposure of areca nut extract (ANE). Although accumulating studies have reported the effects of areca nut on multiple cellular and molecular alterations, the carcinogenic mechanism is still unclear. One reason is most studies were examining the acute effects (short term and high dose) of ANE on oral cancer cells, which is quite different from the actual chronic exposure of the risk. Furthermore, there is no report of global gene expression survey in response to ANE treatment. In the present study, we consider actual carcinogenic process of area nut, mimic chronic low dose (IC70) and long term (100 days) of ANE exposure, to treat and establish sublines of oral mucosa cells. We then propose to investigate global phenotype and transcriptome alterations, as well as the potential molecular signal networking pathways by cDNA microarray and bioinformation analyses. The functions of candidate genes and pathways in response to ANE will be further validated through cellular and clinical based studies. Results of these studies will provide valuable information on the carcinogenesis of areca nut-induced oral cancer.

Project IDs

Project ID:PC10001-0103
External Project ID:NSC98-2314-B182A-105-MY3
Effective start/end date01/08/1131/07/12


  • Oral cancer
  • Areca nut extract (ANE)
  • Transcriptome profiling


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