Project Details
Functional assessment of upper extremity provides a probe to severity, motor recovery, and
prediction. Clinical motor assessment is based on the scoring of the behavior responses such as the
capability, time-to-complete, dexterity, resistance-to-stretch, and so on. Myo-electricity (kinetic) analysis
and kinematic analysis during executing specific tasks provide a dynamic evaluation of motor functions.
Upper extremity mirror rehabilitation is recently used to let patients to move their affected arms by seeing
the motions of the unaffected arms. This is demonstrated to be useful in motor function improvement but
fewer researches are related to the kinetic and kinematic analyses between affected and unaffected arms
and corticomuscular manipulation during rehabilitation. This proposal aims to develop a cerebral-motor
evaluation platform based on kinematics. corticomuscular coherence (CMC) and event-related
desynchronization (ERD) for mirror rehabilitation. In the first year, a Labview-based video camera system
with kinematic data will be built for upper-extremity kinematic analysis during simulated mirror training.
Meanwhile, the kinematic signals, electromyograms, electroencephalograms are simultaneously acquired
by a Neuroscan brain machine for CMC and ERD analyses. In the second year, wireless electromyogram
devices and a wireless electroencephalogram device will be incorporated the Labview-based camera
system. Kinematic, CMC, and ERD analysis will be applied to evaluate the cerebral-motor functions of
the patients with stroke during mirror rehabilitation.
Project IDs
Project ID:PB10508-0345
External Project ID:MOST105-2221-E182-035
External Project ID:MOST105-2221-E182-035
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01/08/16 → 31/07/17 |
- Stroke
- Upper extremity movement
- Mirror rehabilitation
- Kinetic/kinematic
- Event-related
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