Kinematic and Wrist-Elbow Vibration Analyses of Backhand Stroking in Wheelchair Tennis

  • Ju, Yan-Ying (PI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Contrast to regular able-body tennis players, wheelchair tennis athletes suffer from significant sports injuries in the upper extremities, particularly in the shoulder and elbow joints. Proposed causes for these phenomena include reduced length of kinetic chain, insufficient strength and power, limited and inefficient transmission of energy, as well as harmful consequent compensatory changes along the remained body segments and kinetics chain. Improper adaptations may therefore result in excessive stresses and subsequent injuries in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist. However, up to present, no study has revealed suchlike evidence or insight for further implements to minimize the suffering. Our previous study about sport injury epidemiology in Taiwan wheelchair tennis players showed that tendinosis and epicondylitis around the elbow joint are the major problems, and likely originate from improper backhand strokes. We plan to continue the research with the current study and attempt to feature the wheelchair backhand stoking biomechanics by comparing the movement kinematics of regular and wheelchair tennis players. A 3D electromagnetic motion analysis system and high-g accelerometers will provide movement tracking, joint liner speeds, angular velocities, angular accelerations, and wrist-elbow vibrations of both players during topspin and slicing backhand strokes in standing and wheelchair sitting. Such comparisons and analyses will provide insight evaluations of compensations and adaptations of stroking biomechanics in wheelchair tennis, allowing optimal and efficient training, injury prevention, treating, and rehabilitation.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10007-2202
External Project ID:NSC100-2410-H179-015
Effective start/end date01/08/1131/07/12


  • wheelchair tennis
  • backhand stroke
  • kinetic chain
  • kinematics
  • vibration


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