Kinetic Studies of Anode Catalysts of Direct Ammonia Fuel Cell (Dafc)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Direct ammonia fuel cell is a liquid feedstock fueled fuel cell. Ammonia process technology is a stable process and ammonia is less than the cost of manufacturing methanol, liquid hydrogen. Ammonia is noncarbonated compound hydrogen carrier and the electrochemical reaction of ammonia can produce nitrogen and water. In direct ammonia fuel cell, platinum catalyst is the best catalyst for ammonia but produces adsorbed nitrogen atom on the surface of the platinum catalyst after the ammonia oxidation, blocking platinum catalyst active sides. This poison effect of strongly adsorbed N on Pt causes the direct ammonia fuel cell voltage drops and reduces power density. In the direct ammonia fuel cell, the nitrogen atom is not strongly adsorbed on gold but the reaction rate is too low; therefore, gold catalyst must be modified as an alloy catalyst (such as gold - platinum alloy) to enhance the reaction rate. The project is proposed to use platinum and gold catalysts coated membrane (CCM), rotating disk electrodes and microelectrodes in investigating the effect of gold alloy on electrochemical reduction of NH3.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10601-1323
External Project ID:MOST105-2221-E182-054-MY2
Effective start/end date01/08/1731/07/18


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