Metabolomic Investigation into Variations of Metabolic Profile between Elite Sprint and Long-Distance Runners and Protective Effects of Resveratrol on Exercised-Induced Oxidative Stress (II-III)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Eexercise provides numerous healthful effects, such as to cut the risk of heart disease, improve in the delivery of oxygen to our body muscles, decrease the mental anxiety, and lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, the media reported the injuries of top athletes, the potential for heat exhaustion and collapse by runners during races, which may be caused by elevated levels of oxidative stress that damages human health. The volume, intensity and specific mechanisms underlying the beneficial health effects of exercise are debatable and often difficult to assess. With the holistic characteristics, metabolomics has been established as a powerful platform, yet highly sensitive tool to apply in sports science. Unlike transcripts or proteins that often take hours, days or even weeks to change, metabolites are the end products of a reaction and closely reflect underlying physiological processes. For this reason, the outputs of metabolomics are highly sensitive indicators of an organism’s physiological or disease status. We had initiated examining the difference among 100 (sprint group) and 3000 (endurance group) meter run of university elite male athletes and age-matched sedentary/healthy males (control group) by using metabolomics as key platforms. Following this on-going research, we will conduct a two-year work to better understand physiological changes that occur under different exercise conditions. Aims of present study are to investigate whether sports, strength, exercise training and other sports nutrition intervention alter the body global metabolic profiles or the targeted metabolites, such markers of the oxidative stress. For the first year, to compare the effects of metabolic profiles; to identify and quantify the changes of metabolites; and to evaluate levels of oxidative stress with a race intervention among elite sprint, elite endurance, and control groups. For the second year, to compare and evaluate the effects of resveratrol supplementation on the exercise induced oxidative stress between elite sprint and long-distance runners, which may benefit the performance of elite athletes. The results obtained from our studies will offer fresh insight into sports and exercise science, and may further present a framework for assessing studies in exercise physiology. In addition, they will provide a better understanding of exercise physiology to guide individuals wishing to attain their objectives of optimal fitness and health with minimal risk, and update the knowledge base of exercise physiology.

Project IDs

Project ID:PC10308-1814
External Project ID:MOST103-2410-H182-020
Effective start/end date01/08/1431/07/15


  • Metabolomics
  • global metabolic profiles
  • targeted metabolites
  • a race


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