Nanobubble Enhanced Focused-Ultrasound / Convection-Enhanced Brain Drug Delivery( I )

  • Wei, Kuo-Chen Cheng (PI)
  • Chen, Pin-Yuan (CoPI)
  • Huang, Chiun Wei (CoPI)
  • Liu, Hao-Li (CoPI)
  • Yeh, Chih Kuang (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


The mammalian central nervous system (CNS) is characterized by the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it is a specialized structure of the blood vessel wall that limits transport and diffusion from the vasculature to the central nervous system. In health individuals, BBB prevents harmful molecules from entering brain tissue, but it also limits the delivery of drug to brain target area in disease condition. There are already several methods for deliver drugs through BBB, among these technologies, focused ultrasound induced BBB opening and convection-enhanced delivery of drugs to brain were considered to be the most promising ways for brain disease treatment. FUS can work on the systemic administrated microbubbles and making them ruptured, the energy then loosen the tight junction of brain vessel wall and open BBB transiently. Our previous works had proven the effect of FUS-microbubble BBB opening and the potential for brain disease treatment. Although it works well in animal model, the disadvantages of the commercial available microbubbles including short half life and adverse side effect limit the use on patients. In this proposal, we will develop new nanobubbles with FDA approval materials for further clinical applications. This brand new nanobubbles can enhance FUS-BBB opening, serve as drug carriers and contrast agent. Furthermore, we will use this nanobubble for as drug carriers and distribution indicators of convection-enhanced delivery of drugs into the brain. Our aims are to complete the development and preclinical tests of nanobubble in the coming three years, and process the application of clinical trial for evaluation its clinical values.

Project IDs

Project ID:PC10505-0271
External Project ID:MOST105-2119-M182-001
Effective start/end date01/08/1631/07/17


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