Out of the Laboratory- Combine Action Researches with Evaluation of Competence Ability to Discover Efficient Improvement of the Interdisciplinary Medical Care Teamwork Education Strategy and Effect

  • Chen, Chih-Hung (PI)
  • Chen, Chih Cheng (CoPI)
  • Huang, Tiao-Lai (CoPI)
  • Huang, Hsien Li (CoPI)
  • Kung, Chia Te (CoPI)
  • Lin, Yu Chih (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Current diseases treatment from diagnosis to treatment process requires various level of specialties staffs’ cooperation, nowadays interdisciplinary teamwork care has shown more important than before. However, learning how to cooperate among those specialties need interdisciplinary education training program and respect of other filed specialties, simultaneously allow teamwork spirit to deeply root in aspect of care detail. Medical technician interdisciplinary professionalism teamwork mainly base on jointed group discussions, nevertheless, often felt inferior as general participant. Probably due to not actively involve bedside clinical works participating discussion with medical doctors for patients conditions, limit further active assistance opportunities, eventually loss the efficiency cooperative total care goal. Some institutions consider medical technologist shall not simply deal with laboratory samples and data, but need to active involve in clinical medical care situations to sympathize patient and front line medical staff conditions. It can be achieved thru actively involving in clinical medical teamwork to provide the professionalism and service to solve the current difficulties. Purpose: Our goal is to apply active research investigation of bedside teaching method. Thru interdisciplinary teamwork education model to evaluate the learning efficiency with assorts of causes and effects correlation. Research methods: 1. Interdisciplinary patient care ability requires different fields of professionalism evidences base communication skills, it allows student to possess certain degree of communication and knowledge of evidence base abilities. 2. Therefore, thru micro-teaching and flipped classroom to train efficient communication skills, evidence bases critical thinking and problems solving potentials. 3. Plan new interdisciplinary methods for bedside teaching models that differ from previous courses. Apply and combine laboratory clinical results to in situ patients clinical cares conditions, finally to further improve interdisciplinary teamwork patients care ability. 4. Apply milestone evaluation learning efficiency method thru student self-evaluation and teacher’s feedbacks mechanism to adjust the teaching course deficiency, and develop most appropriate interdisciplinary education strategies.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10703-0363
External Project ID:MOST106-2511-S182-010
Effective start/end date01/08/1731/07/18


  • interdisciplinary education teamwork
  • flipped classroom
  • milestone leaning
  • active


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