Patient-Centered Health Care Model

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Facing a growing awareness of patient rights, health care organizations strive for promoting quality of care, of which patient-centeredness is the key element. Research is thus needed to develop a comprehensive patient-centered health care model. Development of such a model requires recruiting researchers from multi-disciplines to enhance its comprehensiveness. This study is hence set forth to explore “patient-centered health care model” by recruiting researchers from College of Management, Chang Gung University, with expertise in health care management, human resource management, information management and marketing to investigate issues related to patient-centered health care model. This group project adopts a system theory on patient-centeredness to integrate five component projects which address issues related to policy, healthcare workforce, practice environment, decision-making, and information technology. The five component projects are (1) An Appraisal of Patient- Centered Integrated Care-Using Activity System Model to Analyze the Pay-for-Performance Program for Diabetes Care; (2) The Antecedent Study of Nurses’ Patient-Centered Belief and Behaviors; (3) Patient-Centered Care: Investigations of Its Antecedents and Mediating Roles; (4) Collaborative Decision Support Models of Patient-Centered Care; (5) A Conceptual Modeling Method for Information Security Risks in Patient-Centered Health Care: Design and Evaluation. To ensure a successful implementation of this project, we have solicited initial consents from three hospitals to participate in this study. The research methods employed cover: focus group, in-depth interview, clinical data collection, cross-sectional questionnaire survey, health insurance database, longitudinal paired sample questionnaire survey, and experimental design. The component projects are designed to share the common core of patient-centeredness, with appropriate and effective coordination by the core unit, these component projects can supplement each other and be successfully integrated to build a patient-centered health care model. Specifically, this group project will (1) examine the factors influencing the decision of the patients and the physicians to participate in the pay-for-performance program for diabetes care and provide important policy references; (2) identify individual-level and group-level antecedents of patient-centeredness belief and behavior which is essential to improve health professionals’ belief and behavior regarding patient-centeredness; (3) shed light on individual factors and practice environmental factors affecting patients’ perceived patient-centeredness and care-seeking behaviors, which is valuable information for recruiting and training of health professionals, and job design; (4) apply patient-centered multiple criterion analytic methods to develop a patient-centered model on patients’ decision criteria and consensus, and (5) develop a patient-centered risk-based information security modeling method and assess the cognitive effectiveness and acceptance of health informatics professionals towards the method. We expect to achieve the research aims in 3 years, which is to develop a comprehensive patient-centered health care model. Research results will facilitate health care providers’ profound understanding of patient-centered care, and enable them to achieve patient-centered care outcomes via various managerial actions.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10101-1996
External Project ID:NSC100-2632-H182-001-MY2
Effective start/end date01/08/1231/07/13


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