Pattern-Reconfigurable Dual-Band Dipole Antenna Array with Four Switchable Beams

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


The advanced wireless communication system is developing towards the multifunctional direction. The requirements for antenna performances are becoming more and more stringent. It is expected that the antenna system has the characteristics of multi-band and beam switching. However, it can be found in previous studies that these performances are difficult to achieve in a single antenna system at the same time. A large increase in the number of antennas will inevitably lead to an increase in the volume, cost, and mutual interference of the entire communication system. The reconfigurable antenna can change its electrical characteristics in real time according to the needs and achieve multiple antenna capabilities, which can effectively reduce the number of antennas, reduce the size, cost, and mutual interference. This project develops a pattern-reconfigurable dual-band dipole antenna array that uses a half-wavelength dipole array as the main structure with parasitic strips placed in the four directions (0 degree, 90 degree, 180 degree, and 270 degree) of the antenna as directors. The guiding effect of the directors on the radiation pattern of the antenna is switched through diode switches, and the radiation pattern of the corresponding direction can be changed. This project first verified the design of a 2.45-GHz pattern-reconfigurable dipole antenna, and then increased the operating frequency to dual-band. The 1 × 2 dipole array antenna with dual-band 2.45/5.5 GHz characteristics was designed, which can achieve radiation pattern reconstruction in four horizontal directions. According to the preliminary simulation results, the bandwidth is up to 14%, the gain is up to 6.2 dBi, and the front-to-back ratio is up to 6.5 dB. In addition, 5G mobile communications will use millimeter-wave technology, and the development of millimeter-wave pattern-reconfigurable dual-band antennas will be of great benefit to 5G communication systems. Therefore, this project will also design a pattern-reconfigurable millimeter-wave dual-band 28/38 GHz dipole antenna array, and propose preliminary analysis and ideas. The proposed pattern-reconfigurable dual-band dipole antenna array is quite novel and practical. This project can promote the antenna performance for Taiwan wireless communication products.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10907-2462
External Project ID:MOST109-2221-E182-047
Effective start/end date01/08/2031/07/21


  • Pattern-reconfigurable
  • dual-band antenna
  • beam switching
  • dipole antenna array


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