Research and Development of Dynamic Traffic Navigation and Intelligent

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


In recent years, the popularity of GPS (global positioning system), the rapid development of VANET (vehicular ad hoc networks) and WASN (wireless ad hoc sensor networks), and the greatly supports from the world-wide governments, have provided a development platform for vehicular navigation system. The path planning of traditional satellite navigation system does not consider real-time traffic conditions such that the system cannot scatter the traffic flow in jam roads to other roads. If the real-time traffic condition can be transmitted to users for re-planning path, the traveling time of vehicles can be decreased significantly and the further deterioration of traffic jams can be avoided. VANET and WASN are composed of millions of real-time traffic messages and road conditions. Under the limitation of memory capacity and computing speed of the On Board Unit (OBU), we propose the real-time path planning with the direct vector from source to destination to sieve out the useless messages. Beside, there is another problem that a vehicle’s OBU plans a path with the current traffic messages of all roads but some distant roads in the path will be used later. As a result, the OUB wouldn’t guide the right way if a road in the path is jamming before the vehicle arrives. Thus, we propose a path planning with the extra consideration of the traffic prediction of roads. Another issue is the vehicle parking problem. In an urban area, drivers always waste lots of time to look for parking spaces. The parking problem incurs not only the wastage of time and gas but also the deterioration of our living environment. The traffic jam is even serious while the number of vehicles for seeking parking spaces increases. We propose a real-time guiding parking method that leads users to the path with the most probability to find a free parking space in the near area of the destination. In sum, the project designs the driving and parking dynamic navigation system by integrating VANETs with WASNs for the urban area so we can drive a vehicle with a time-saved, gas-conserved, and environment-protected pathway to our destination.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10007-7265
External Project ID:NSC100-2221-E182-029
Effective start/end date01/08/1131/07/12


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