Research on Multiple Upgrade System of Clinical Teachers in Medical Departments and Investigation of Teachers' Opinion in Taiwan

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


It is difficult for clinical teachers in the medical department to balance research, outpatient, patient care and teaching workload. And the promotion conditions are very demanding for research results, and the pain of being unable to upgrade for many years has resonated with young doctors in Taiwan. According to the Ministry of Education's multi-level promotion teaching program launched in 2013, the scope of the "research" project is no longer limited to research published in SCI and other journal articles. Teaching practice plans, teaching practice reports, teaching portfolio, and books for student curriculum planning are also included in the upgrade review program. From the 104-105 academic year, five medical school professors have been successfully upgraded with multiple upgrade system. However, few studies have explored the status of implementation of the multiple promotion system in medical schools and colleges in the past three years. And related conferences know that there are some problems and needs for medical schools that implement the multiple upgrade systems. This plan will use Documentary Research to collect the rules and regulations for the multiple upgrade system of clinical teachers in the medical department, and to analyze and compare the data. We will use in-depth interviews to gain an in-depth understanding of the background, development process, implementation situation, dilemma and effectiveness of promoting multiple upgrade system, and teachers' opinions and suggestions. The research results period can be used as a reference for the planning or modification of the multiple upgrade systems by various medical schools and education-related units. Having a proper promotion system allows clinical teachers sufficient time to prepare and pass on valuable knowledge and experience to medical students, and is also a good strategy to improve the quality of medical education.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10907-1689
External Project ID:MOST109-2511-H182-009
Effective start/end date01/08/2031/07/21


  • medical education
  • multiple upgrade system
  • clinical teacher
  • teaching practice


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