Risky Medicine Control, Avoid Danger and Greet Fortune- Risky Medical Chart Development and Apply in Teaching Practice

  • Chen, Chih-Hung (PI)
  • Chao, Shan Ru (CoPI)
  • Huang, Hsien Li (CoPI)
  • Kung, Chia Te (CoPI)
  • Lin, Meng-Chih (CoPI)
  • Lin, Yu Chih (CoPI)
  • Shieh, Jungtang (CoPI)
  • Tsai, Tsuen Chiuan (CoPI)
  • Wu, Kuan Han (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


1.Background:More general physicians are involved in medical disputes legal affairs, Ministry of Health and Welfare estimates 4870 cases during the last 10 years law suits regards these disputes, it increased from 517 cases to 843 annually in local health bureau statistics . The amounts of settlement are as high as millions of dollars. Reports of stimulating title frequently seen in newspaper, it leads to internal, surgeon, gynecological, pediatrics and emergence medicine those most disputes professions shortage of doctors.More or less risk lies in every medical treatments, some can be avoided thru detail explanation, communication and conscience form before medical practice. The goal is to reduce patient and their family understanding.However, only very few percentage of cases are facing unexpected or expected accidents, patient- doctor relationships dramatic changes, results in law suit afterwards.Medicine risk is a kind of medical treatment, relates to patient-self diseases condition, unexpected conditions that might lead to risk to death or complications.However risky medicine emphasizes on risk analysis before any medication, judgment thru objective standardization bases on regular evaluation and construct. Similar as Barthel Index, injury score, coma index evaluation thru objective checklist to predict the risks and important signs. How those signs relationships and interactions? This is the main focus of this project about. 2.Aim: To develop a proper form for risky medication evaluation checklist, lawsuits risk factors to train young general physicians how to deal with those risky control factors and improve good patient-doctor relationships. 3.Methods and Procedures: Retro study of those lawsuits cases crucial verdict factors, physician, local district attorney interviews, judge; 3 ways investigate to conclude the risky medication factors thru application of Delphi method. (1) To form a inter-professional research team (include medical attorney, judge, lawsuit expert general physician, intensive care physician, hospital law affairs and social worker) to study cases and medical lawsuit verdict for those risk factors. (2) In depth interview of research team worker, objective analyze those crucial lawsuit factors. (3) Three ways cross examination of initial risky medication checklist thru Delphi method.(4) Apply risky medication prediction checklist forms to improve ACGME 6 core ability regards to personal relationships and communication structure, not merely personal character teaching style.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10708-0903
External Project ID:MOST107-2511-H182-008
Effective start/end date01/08/1831/07/19


  • Inter-professionalism model
  • risky medication evaluation checklist
  • EPAs reliable professional ability
  • milestone leaning
  • Delphi method
  • three-way cross examination methods.


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