Scheduled Optimal Power Flow and Related Issues in Presence of Uncertain Power Generation and Load Demand

  • Lin, Shin-Yeu (PI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


In this project, we will propose a formulation of the scheduled optimal power flow problem and its solution algorithm for the smart grid by taking the intermittency of renewable power generation and the uncertainty of demand response based load demand into account. We will use three years to tackle this problem and its related issues. In the first year, we will solve the formulated smart grid optimal power flow schedule problem to obtain a scheduled optimal power flow solution, which will ensure that the probability of satisfying security constraints is above a required level in the presence of uncertain renewable power generation and load demand. In the second year, we will find the curve of pareto optimal solution that is associated with the optimal non-renewable power generation cost and the probability level that security constraints need be satisfied in the smart grid optimal power flow schedule problem. We will also formulate a multi-objective optimal power flow schedule problem and develop the corresponding solution method. In the third year, we will find out the maximum capacity of renewable power generation that is allowed in a smart grid when the probability of satisfying the security constraints is required to be above certain level.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB10507-1726
External Project ID:MOST105-2221-E182-038
Effective start/end date01/08/1631/07/17


  • smart grid
  • renewable generation
  • demand response
  • scheduled optimal power flow


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