Studying the Dynamic Role of Primary Cilia Participates in Human Corneal Endothelium’S Cell Cycle Regulation and Functions in Its Terminal Differentiation and Wound Healing Process

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


本計劃探討初級纖毛(primary cilia)於角膜內皮組織發育構型(pattern formation)所扮演的角色,將可應用於促進角膜內皮細胞於體外培養的增生能力,並確效組織重建工程上的醫療應用。角膜內皮的重建為目前最先進且為最具療效的角膜內皮受損治療方式。產出真正具功能性的角膜內皮細胞,是為細胞取代治療的關鍵。本研究計畫以眼角膜內皮為發育模式,於基礎發育生物學上充份地探討角膜內皮細胞發育機制的同時,亦開發其細胞治療的潛能,提供角膜內皮病變之全新臨床治療方式。本研究計畫的成功,將可為其他細胞治療領域的典範。

Project IDs

Project ID:PC11207-2150
External Project ID:NSTC112-2314-B182-009
Effective start/end date01/08/2331/07/24


  • human corneal endothelial cell (HCEC)
  • primary cilia
  • pattern formation


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