The Establishment of a Smart Surveillance System to Predict the Risk of Disability from Gait and a Physical Fitness Training Promotion Service Model That Can Prevent and Delay Disability

  • Lin, Chun-Yuan (PI)
  • Cheng, Hui Jun (CoPI)
  • Hsu, Chien-Lung (CoPI)
  • Lin, Yen Jen (CoPI)
  • Tseng, Kevin C. (CoPI)

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


執行本子計畫主要的產出有六個部份: (1)不同層次的預測失能機率之AI模型、(2)建立智慧監控技術於相關步態行為分析的開發模組、(3) 智慧監控技術於相關體適能運動分析的開發模組、(4)建立老年衰弱與步態行為表現的資料庫、(5) 建立老年衰弱與體適能運動表現的資料庫、(6)建立智能行動照護平台及健康促進服務模式。實現「預防勝於治療」目標。

Project IDs

Project ID:PB11007-2989
External Project ID:MOST110-2221-E182-050
Effective start/end date01/08/2131/07/22


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