The Study of Multi-Band Inductor and Its Application for Voltage Control Oscillator

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Recently, the electric products are indispensable due to achieve high-speed and high functionality and combine with the wireless communication. The data transmission way changes from wire to wireless. The wireless communication products are demanded to high function, economy, lightness, thinness, shortness and minimization. The radius, width and the number of inductors is the main area of radio frequency (RF) circuit. How to reduce the inductor area or the number of inductors is the key point of RF circuit. Additionally, the high Q-factor of the inductor is one of the goals of improvement RF circuit performance. To achieve high performance and small area inductor, a variable inductor using switch method is a good choice for RF circuit. In Symp. on MTTS 2007, we reported the voltage control oscillator with switch resonator using variable inductor. Only one variable inductor to obtain dual-band voltage control oscillator can reduce half number of inductor. The 40% area is reduction to achieve small area VCO circuit. In the meanwhile, the flat plate variable inductor also can achieve high Q-factor to obtain good VCO performance. In this proposal, we will further using variable inductor to design multi-band voltage control oscillator in Ultra-Wide Band system. In the following is our proposed plan for this 2 years project. 1st year: 1. First, we choice the circle numbers of the inductor in appropriate frequency to achieve accurately RF circuit design. 2. Design, simulation and tape-out the variable inductor in CIC. 3. Measurement and analysis the S-parameters and noise for multi-band inductor. 2nd year: 4. Study of the substrate effect and temperature effect to develop the variable inductor model. 5. According to variable inductor model, we design the multi-band voltage control oscillator in CIC and measure the phase noise and tuning range.

Project IDs

Project ID:PB9709-1906
External Project ID:NSC97-2221-E182-017
Effective start/end date01/08/0831/07/09


  • Variable inductor
  • multi-band voltage control oscillator
  • switched resonator


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