Then Study of Guanxi Capital and Health Capital in Individual Level Intellectual Capital System

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


This study is aimed at extending the previous National Science Council’ research projects outcomes continuing to explore the components of individual intellectual capitals, meanwhile attempting at incorporating the “Guanxi capital” and “Health capital” into intellectual capital at individual-level. Based on past related literature, the researcher will refine the definition of intellectual capital and its measurement indicators, aiming at testing its relationship with working outcomes. There by perfecting the mechanism of individual-level intellectual capital, achieving the effectiveness of assessing the potential of talents. In the course of research development, human capital my be classified as three components, namely human capital, structural capital and relational capital, with research level derived from organizational level. Over past one and half years, the researcher concluded that human capital at individual level may be classified as 'general capital' and 'professional capital'. In Luthians' psychological capital perspective, component of human capital is extended to psychological level. It is natural to ask, in addition to previous kinds of intellectual capital, is there any other individual characteristics that will affect employees working performance, and could also be considered as the new component of individual-level intellectual capital? This study attempts to extend the concept of Relational capital at organizational level to the individual level. It will also examine if it is possible for 'interpersonal relations' between individual and others to be positively beneficial to the variables of working outcomes. Therefore the researcher will try to incorporate the 'Guanxi' concept which is commonly found among Chinese researchers into the element of intellectual capital at individual level, meanwhile refining its definition and measurement methods, aiming to make Guanxi capital applicable to the corporation's assessment of talents' potential. In addition the Nobel Prize in economics laureate Grossman has pointed out early in 1970s that a country's health capital is more effective in predicting a country's future development than human capital. Based on this theoretical context, this study will explore if health capital at individual level could be effective in predicting the variables of working outcomes in management field, and to perfect the 'human resource' assessment mechanism, which is the very theoretical gap this study try to fill.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10107-1985
External Project ID:NSC101-2410-H182-010
Effective start/end date01/08/1231/07/13


  • intellectual
  • capital
  • human capital
  • guanxi capital
  • health capital


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