Project Details
Colo-Rectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide.
Surgery only achieved 5-year overall survival rates of 40-60% for stage III
and less than 10% survival rate for stage IV. In addition to distant metastasis,
colo-rectal cancer has a high risk of loco-regional relapse causing significant
morbidity. Therefore, exploring more specific molecular markers could allow
new insights into the process of colo-rectal turmorigenesis and identification
of innovative treatments. Peripheral blood can serve as an ideal sample for
molecular diagnosis of cancers. A high- sensitive colormetric membrane array
method, used to detect circulating tumor cells was reported in our previous
study. We also used the membrane array assay for the detection of colo-rectal
cancer. According to our preliminary data, the level of UCP, Peroxiredoxin I
and VEGF might be a promising predictor of colo-rectal cancer by membrane
array analysis. Human UCP was the E2 family member, and is highly
expressed in common human cancers, including colon cancer, compared to
normal tissues. According to our previous study, UCP is a significant predictor
for esophageal cancer. But its role and mechanism of action in colo-rectal
cancer remain relatively unstudied. The overexpression of Prxs is reported to
be associated with carcinogenesis in a variety of human cancers. It is
suggested that augmented expressions of Prxs proteins in tumor tissues might
be responsible for the resistance to chemo- and radiation treatment. We
previously reported that Prx I is a potential marker for non-small cell lung
cancer and is relevant to the responses to treatment. In the present study, we
will further investigate the role of Prx I in col-rectal cancer. Angiogenesis is
important for supply of oxygen, nutrients, growth factors and dissemination of
tumor cells to distal sites.VEGF is the more potent regulators of angiogenesis.
Further characterization of the effects of UCP, VEGF and Prx I will help to
clarify its role and its potential as a molecular target for therapeutic
intervention in colorectal cancer. Therefore, the first aim in the study is to
evaluate the roles of UCP, VEGF and Prx I by in vitro and in vivo experiments.
Additionally, in the study, we also aimed to find the significance of UCP,
VEGF and Prx I on the treatment response and prognosis by using
immunochemical staining analysis for colorectal cancer. The data will provide
important information to decide the efficient treatment policy for
individualized patient.
Project IDs
Project ID:PC9907-2532
External Project ID:NSC99-2314-B182-035-MY2
External Project ID:NSC99-2314-B182-035-MY2
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01/08/10 → 31/07/11 |
- VEGF?PeroxiredoxinI
- colorectal cancer
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