Topical Study on Neutrino Phenomenology

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


As an alternative approach to the neutrino physics, a rephasing invariant parametrization will be applied to the study of neutrino phenomenon, in which certain issues related to the underlying physics may not be transparent and easily grasped using the standard parametrization. We place our focus on the following topics: (1) neutrino mixing and flavor transition in matter, and (2) the Renormalization Group evolution of the neutrino parameters. This project aims at a better understanding of the neutrino parameters and their flavor structures, which not only may provide more solid ground for the analyses of neutrino experiments, but also may provide useful insight to the underlying physics at a more fundamental level.

Project IDs

Project ID:PA10708-1679
External Project ID:MOST107-2119-M182-002
Effective start/end date01/08/1831/07/19


  • neutrino physics
  • rephasing-invariant parametrization
  • neutrinos in matter
  • RGE evolution for neutrino parameters.


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