Unfriendly Traditional and Digital Context toward Left Handed People$S Reading and Writing: a Study of Behavior, Erp and Eye Tracker

Project: National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council Academic Grants

Project Details


Eye smooth pursuit, spatial attention, visual perception, fine coordination, reading, writing, health (injuries) among left-handed and right-handed people have been compared in different studies. Left-handed people were reported to be faced with more disadvantages in the aforementioned domains. In this research project, we suggest to engage in exploring the characteristics of reading, writing and spatial attention in left-handed people and the further intervention strategies should be formulated for the purpose of overcoming the disadvantages for left-handed people. In the first year, we will develop the questionnaire of lateralized behaviors and the questionnaire of disadvantages during reading and writing. Moreover, the experiment of traffic guidance, spatial attention, reading horizontal Chinese double characters words, reading horizontal Chinese sentence and writing Chinese characters will be designed and used to substantiate left handed people. In the second year, three event-related brain potentials experiments including spatial attention, reading words, writing will be conducted to address the brain mechanism in people with left handedness. In the end of the second year, combined with the findings of the first year, the modified strategies will be formulated. Furthermore, the modified strategy will be used to compare with the traditional way in the third year. The survey information, accuracy/reaction time of behavioral and brain experiment and the components of event-related potentials will be the indices to substantiate the effect of modified strategy. Finally, we hope that the characteristics of basic and ecological behaviors, brain findings and strategies can be integrated toward establishing the knowledge related to left handedness.

Project IDs

Project ID:PF10406-3000
External Project ID:MOST104-2511-S182-003-MY2
Effective start/end date01/08/1531/07/16


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