
葉 文宏, Jing-Jang Hwang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


將秘密的文字資料隱藏在一般文件中的研究 (英文叫作Steganography),已經有一段時間,但一般的研究結果,均無法隱藏大量的秘密文字。一九九八年,東海大學林祝興教授等人,提出一個藉由欺人耳目的文件,隱藏秘密文字的作法,稱為「欺人耳目的文件加密方式」(Confused Document Encrypting Scheme, CDES),結合資料隱藏與密碼學的技術,巧妙地在一般文件中隱藏大量的秘密文字,但若要應用在中文的資料時,則會遭遇一些困難。本篇文章引用林祝興教授等人的基本觀念,利用中文內碼的特性,提出一個新的作法,能夠瞎藏大量的中文秘密資料。
In the past years, steganography, the art of hiding information in other meaningful writings, was explored by researchers as a new branch of computer cryptography. Yet, proposed methods cannot hide a large amount of secret information. Lin & Lee proposed a new approach that could hide a large amount of secret information in the confused plain?text document, but their scheme will have some problem for Chinese confused document. In this work, a new scheme is proposed to hide information in Chinese as much as you wish. Our idea, inspired by Lin & Lee’s work [Lin & Lee 1998], makes use of the feature of the Big-Five Code, which is the most popular internal code for Chinese systems.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)183-191
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2001

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