
林 素真, Yen-Huey Chen, 林 泰薇, 陳 淑雅, 張 永賢

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     當前社會老人福利的重要課題是健康的維護以及增進生活品質。中強度庄重強度 的走路訓練,對老年人有降低血壓的效果。控制心臟病的危險因子,有減少冠狀動脈血管的 損傷。有計劃的中強度的腳踏車、跑步機、或手搖運動器運動訓練,對體重過重的老人,是 否也有改善危險因子的效果,則尚未有研究報告。 本篇針對 6 立體重過重、平常沒有做計 劃性的有氧運動、無高壓的老人進行中強度負荷的腳踏車、跑步機、手搖車等運動訓練。訓 練前先做次大運動測試,以決定運動處方。以後每週 5 至 6 次,每次 30 分鐘,以最大心 跳的 60% 到 80% 的運動強度,做為期 6 週的訓練。 結果以無母數統計分析,魏克遜配對 組符號等考驗( Wilcoxon matched-paired signed-ranks test )分別比較訓練前後的體 脂肪、體重、體質量指數等的變化。結果顯示有意義減少( p < 0.05 )。 休息時血壓的 變化以線性迴歸分析,則呈現下降趨勢。為增進老年人的健康,減少心臟血管疾病的發生, 作者建議有計劃的有氧性運動, 是值得應用在體重過重的老年人身上的。 (中華物療誌 1997;22 ( 1 ):13-20 )
     To maintain health an improve quality of life is the most important pe rsective in elder's welfare.Moderate to heavy intensity of walking exercise has the effect of lowering the blood pressure. Controlling the cardiovascular risk factors would decrease the coronary impairment With overweight elders, whether programmed moderate intensity exercise training would improve the risk factors remain unanswered. Six overweight elders performed daily moderate aerobic bicycle, treadmill, arm ergometer exercise training would improve the risk factors remain unanswered. Six overweight elders performed daily moderate aerobic bicycle, treadmill, arm ergometer exercise for 6 weeds. exercise prescription was determined by submzaximal exercise testing. Training included intensity of 60%-80% of maximal heart rate, 30 minutes durtion, 5-6 days per week. NOn-parametric analysis of Wilcoxon matched-paired signed-ranks test and linear regression analysis were used for analysis. It showed that body weight, body fat, body mass index had signficant decreased after training (p < 0.05). The decrease in blood pressure over 30 times training period was significant on 2 sugjects (p < 0.05). The author concluded that programmed aerobic exercise training was worthy to apply on overweight elders.(JPTA ROC 1997;22-(1):13-20)
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)13-20
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1997

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