
曾 淑芬, Horng-Sheng Shiue, 梁 亞文, 黃 立凱, 張 良銘

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     過去有關中醫人力的相關研究都曾發現中醫系畢業生執業中醫者的比 例相當低落,顯然並不能達成中醫教育培養充足中醫人力之目的。本研究便從瞭 解中醫系畢業生以及中醫系學生在執業選擇上的現況,進一步分析中醫人力之專 業生涯轉換等議題,以及所面臨之中醫客觀環境上的障礙,來探討執業中醫比例 低落的現象,並提出相關建議,以期能對改善中醫客觀發展環境以及制度提出建 言,並可提供相關單位作為規劃醫療體系人力資源之參考依據。本計畫實施方法 為對現今中醫系及學士後中醫系在學學生共239人進行問卷調查,問卷內容包 括:未來畢業後執業選擇以及對於中醫醫療環境之看法等。另外並針對近五年中 醫系畢業生(第21至25屆)郵寄問卷,調查中醫系畢業生就業情況、對目前中醫 醫療環境的看法、其職業流動變化、及其未來職業規劃等。回收問卷共189份, 回覆率為42.18%。此外,本研究並深度訪談五位執業中醫師,藉以深入了解中 醫師執業的概況及其對中醫地位、人力和相關醫療政策的看法。 研究結果顯示中醫系第21至25屆的畢業生,執業的畢業生當中有22.98% 目前執業中醫。畢業生中有意願轉執的醫生有18.63%,其中則有高達93.33%以 上希望從西醫轉執中醫。在對於中醫環境的看法上,除了贊成中西醫雙執業及廢 除特考外,受訪者也大多認為目前醫療發展政策重西醫輕中醫,是中醫在發展上 的主要障礙。在畢業生有意願轉執業中醫的情況下,本研究建議應以提供有利於 中醫系畢業生回流於中醫服務的政策與制度為主,如此將有助於中醫醫療品質的 提昇,且符合衛生署推動中西醫療整合之政策走向。
     Students who graduate from the Chinese Medicine Department can take both Western and Chinese medicine physician's license exams and receive licenses form both. In their career planning, many graduates choose to abandon their Chinese medicine credential and register as the western medicine practitioner. This phenomenon has been seen as a waste of manpower of Chinese medicine. This paper aims at exploring the career planning for students in the Chinese Medicine Department and examining the chance of their career mobility. A face-to-face survey was conducted among 239 students in the Chinese Medicine Department, China Medical College. In addition, a mail questionnaire was surveyed among 189 recent graduates from the Chinese Medicine Department. Several issues were included in the questionnaire: current employment, the episodes of their career mobility, and opinion on the structural barriers of Chinese medicine in the health care delivery system. The results suggest that about 23% of those graduates were employed in the Chinese medicine related hospitals and clinics. For those who wish to change their jobs in the near future, more than 90% of them plan to stay at the department of Chinese medicine in hospitals. This study suggests the Department of Health should recognize the importance of Chinese medicine in the health care system. Possible incentives should be provided to encourage the graduates to stay in the Chinese medicine related fields, such as in-patient Chinese-medicine services should be provided in teaching hospitals and the coverage and scopes of Chinese medicine in the National Health Insurance programs should be expanded.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)61-69
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2000

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