
Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本文以微處理機配合線性放大器製成一部發電機即時模擬器。製成之發電機模擬 器以比較實際測試和離線模擬結果方式,確認其執行即時模擬之精密度。比較結果顯示,所 設計之發電機模擬器有足夠之精確度,的確能模擬出一部發電機之即時動態行為。
     A real-time generator simulator is made in this paper by using a microcomputer and linear amplifiers. The accuracy of the generator simulator is validated by comparisons with the off-line Runch-Kutta simulations. Comparison results show that the generator simulator has enough accuracy, can be used to simulate the dynamic behaviors of a real generator.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)115-121
Issue number13
StatePublished - 1996

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