
Kuan-Chung Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


摘 要 如同宋代眾多士大夫,樓鑰透過科舉,追求仕進,在南宋中期歷任中央 與地方要職,經歷豐富,政績卓著,也參與家鄉各項公益與文化活動,教化 鄉里。他更以藝文為媒介,結交當代重要文士朝臣。其《攻媿集》除見證南 宋中期朝政要事及個人一生仕歷外,也有助瞭解他在官場、鄉里及藝文界的 師友關係。 在宋代,書畫文物雖非科舉考試的項目,但士人官僚擁有書畫,並具備 此一素養與興趣,彼此之間的交游實為一般同年、同鄉、同學情誼,及同僚、 婚姻之外,另一種開展人際網絡的管道。本文以樓鑰為個案,就其著作《攻 媿集》中,討論書畫的相關詩文為基礎,觀察其書畫藝術評賞能力的養成, 並以其與個別友人鑑賞、品評書畫的方式,來瞭解他以藝會友所建立的人際 關係及其特性。
Abstract Like most Song literati, Lou Yao took the civil service exam and pursued an official career. He served with distinction in key court and regional positions during the middle period of the Southern Song Dynasty, while also participating in various public welfare and cultural activities in his hometown. Moreover, he used his artistic interests as a way to build ties with famous literati figures of his age. His collected works, the Gongkui ji, provides us not only a perspective on contemporary political affairs and his career, but also a depiction of his relations with other people in official, local and artistic contexts. Painting and calligraphy had no place in the civil service exam system, but Song literati still collected works of art and cultivated their artistic sensibilities. This ability and interest became another way to build up relationships beyond bonds established through examination, hometown, schoolmate, colleague or marriage relations. Based on the poems and essays on artistic subjects in his Gongkui ji, this article evaluates the social use of art in Lou Yue’s life by examining the development of Lou Yue’s artistic sensibilities and how he discussed artistic subjects with various acquaintances.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)55-92
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2011

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