
Chia-Ling Chen, 洪 維憲, 陳 協慶, Ching-Yi Wu, Chin-Man Wang, Alice May-Kuen Wong, Fuk-Tan Tang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本研究的主要目的在針對國內不同年齡層之兒童,分析其在步行時的穩定性、對稱性,及在不同步態週期中之足底壓力,以期瞭解正常兒童成熟步態的發展過程。共收集104位正常學童(男生50位,女生54位),年齡3歲到12歲,依年齡分為五組。其中A組為3至4歲,B組為5至6歲,C組為7至8歲,D組為9至10歲,E組為11至12歲。實驗中使用連續性足底壓步態分析儀(Computer DynoGraphy, CDG)來評估正常兒童的步態。 結果發現,3至4歲的兒童中只有50%的兒童以腳跟先著地(p<0.05),而5至6歲以後大都能展現以腳跟先著地的步態模式,因此,步態週期中之前、中足之最大垂直作用力相對百分比A組皆較其他群組為大,而後足最大垂直作用力相對百分比則相對地較小(p<0.05),足底各部份的最大垂直作用力相對百分比則在5~6歲後趨向穩定。對稱性及穩定性皆顯示3至4歲較其他各組有明顯的差異(p<0.01),直到5至6歲以後才達到穩定的狀態。至於步行速度、步長、步頻、單腳支撐期及雙腳支撐期則未隨著年齡的增長而改變。 由以上結果顯示兒童步態的發展在5至6歲時達到成熟,這樣的成熟過程和神經系統及肌肉骨骼系統的發展有著密切的關係,並反映在步態對稱性、穩定性及作用力分佈上,尤其是腳跟著地的步態模式。本研究結果,不但可提供國內正常兒童步態的常模,並可做為兒童復健上步態評估及治療的依據。
     The study analyzed the kinematic parameters, symmetry and consistency as well as the force distribution during walking in the children aged 3 to 12 years old in order to assess the development of the matured gait. One hundred and four children (50 boys, 54 girls) were divided into five groups based on age, with group A aged 3 to 4 years, group B aged 5 to 6 years, group C aged 7 to 8 years, group D aged 9 to 10 years, and group E aged 11 to 12 years old. In this study, we used a computer dynography (CDG) gait analysis system to measure the ground reaction force during walking in children. From the pattern of gaitline, heel-strike pattern at the onset of walking was found in only 50% in children aged 3~4 years, while this pattern occurred in most children after 5~6 years (p<0.05). Thus, the relative percentage of maximum vertical forefoot and midfoot forces in the children aged 3~4 years were large than other age-groups, while the relative percentage of maximum vertical hindfoot force was lesser than other age-groups (p<0.05). The relative percentages of maximal vertical forces in the forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot showed no significant changes among groups after 5~6 years. The consistency and symmetry index of step length also showed no significant differences among age-groups after 5~6 years. However, the walking velocity, step length, cadence, double and single support time disclosed no significant changes among all age-groups. In conclusion, the development of gait in children achieves maturation, which is correlated with the maturation of both the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, at the age of 5~6 years. Consistency and symmetry of step length and the distribution of ground reaction force, especially, the heel-strike pattern show the maturation of gait. The norms of children gait obtained in this study may provide a reference for the assessment and treatment of pathological gait in pediatric rehabilitation.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)153-161
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2000

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