
Henry Ker-Chnag Chang, 徐 熊健, 方 仁威

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     在本篇論文中,我們提出以Lucas函數設計一個新的聯合簽章方法。聯 合簽章方法旨在探討很多簽署人共同簽署一份文件的問題,而Lucas函數為最近 所提出的函數;由於其與指數函數不同,故已引起密碼學界廣泛的重視。本文首 先對Lucas函數及聯合簽章的方法做一深入且廣泛的探討;按著,提出一種利用 Lucas函數所設計的聯合簽章方法。本文以Lucas函數設計聯合簽章方法可分成二 個階段實施。第一階段,發行人與簽署人作初始值設定,並依文件內容而推導出 Lucas數列;第二階段,簽署人依簽名的先後順序逐步完成簽章與驗證的工作。在 聯合簽章方法的處理過程中,簽署人為驗證所接獲文件之正確性,需先取得簽署 過的文件,然後利用Lucas數列將之還原成原始文件,若還原所得到的文件是有 意義的.表示簽章無誤,可確認這是一個有效簽章.再據以簽署;若還原所得文 件不夠明確則拒絕簽署。由於LUC公開金匙密碼系統的安全性相當於因式分解問 題的困難度,且沒有可乘性攻擊的缺點,可能比以往的簽章方法更安全。故本文 所提之聯合簽章方法是安全的,為公開金匙密碼系統使用來建立聯合簽章開拓出 一新的研究領域。
     A new scheme for digital multisignature, in which many signers sign a message jointly, is proposed in this paper. The principal features of this scheme is developed on the basis of theLucas function, also termed LUC public key cryptosystem. The LUC public key cryptosystemis an alternative to the original RSA or EIGamal key cryptosystems. With the LUC public keycryptosystem, there are two phases of operations in the proposed multisignature scheme. Theselection of prime numbers for all message recipients and the Lucas sequences for the messageare the major works in the first phase. Verification and signature are fulfilled in the secondphase. The sequence of signing and verification are processed in reverse ordering. The correctness of a multisignature is verified if a recipient can find a meaningful message after aciphered message is decrypted. The security of the proposed multisignature scheme inheritsfrom the LUC public key cryptosystem which is equivalent to the factorization problems. Theproposed multisignature based upon Lucas function is believed to provide an effective approachfor digital multisignature.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)31-40
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1996

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