
劉 安達, Henry Ker-Chnag Chang, 許 瑩琪

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


某單位車輛調派作業係由車輛管理單位之調度人員,進行人工的駕駛排班與車輛派遣,無法確切決定最合理調度方案。為改善目前已研究運輸系統的諸多問題,本研究藉物件導向觀念論導入統一塑模語言運作,從而規劃一套新車輛派遣管理資訊系統,並說明相關操作問題。本研究應可達到以下目的:1 簡化行政程序,提高辦公效率;2 整合車輛勤務,提高運輸效能;3 節能減碳,降低環境污染;4 掌握車輛派遣狀況,杜絕安全隱憂;基於優劣比較後可分析本研究的特性。故研究結果可為某單位運輸管理提供更佳的軟體運作和系統平台。
The unit vehicle deployment is managed by the scheduling personnel of vehicle management. But this system can not exactly determine the reasonable scheduling solution for schedule drivers and dispatch vehicles. To improve the problem of existing operations, we want to use object-oriented methodology (OOM) to apply United Modeling Language (UML) operators, and plan a unit vehicle dispatch management information system; then finding a simple example from all system to illustrate what the system can be operated. This research can achieve the following purposes: 1 to simplify administrative procedures and improve office efficiency; 2 to integrate vehicle service, improve transport efficiency; 3 to save energy and resources, reducing environmental pollution; 4 to control vehicle dispatch status, eliminate security concerns. This study also improves the lack of other authors. In the future, the system can be adjusted and modified for unit transport management of a better software and system platform.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)31-43
JournalInternational Journal of Science and Engineering
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2012

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