
Tsung-wu Chien

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


摘 要 本文乃以曹敬賦為範圍,討論《全臺賦》文本之轉錄,與其斷句、分段、 標點及校勘,所出現的問題。 本文檢覈《全臺賦》所收曹敬賦二十二篇,其斷句有問題的有五篇;未完 全切合題韻而分段的有七篇;因句式判斷有問題而影響標點的有二十篇五十八 處;文本載錄誤失有十三處;校勘可議的有兩處。依類逐一討論,旨在提醒《全 臺賦》的研究者,在處理文獻時,對類似的問題應有所措意,以免有所閃失, 造成結論的偏差;同時也希望在相關學理問題的討論上,發揮拋磚引玉的效應。
Abstract This article discusses Cao-Jing’s Fu in “The Whole Fu of Taiwan,” and points out some mistakes in punctuation and paragraphing. This research covers 22 works of Cao-Jing’s Fu and found out the following questionable sections, which include 5 works of incorrect punctuation, works of inappropriate paragraphing, and 58 sentences containing problematic punctuations. The purpose of this study is to remind researchers about similar problems and provide a basis for further discussion.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)85-108
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2008

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