
張 瑛瑛, Hsueh-Erh Liu, Ting-Chang Chang, 楊 志堅

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


The purposes of this study were to explore the side effects for Gynecological cancer patients who received the initial chemotherapy. Time-series research design was adopted as guide for this study. Purpose sampling was used to select subjects who met inclusion criteria. A total of 23 patients were selected from October 2000 to May 2001. The-missing rate was 18%. The results indicated: The highest occurrence of side effects in three courses of chemotherapy was: fatigue, alopecia, nausea/vomiting, decreased appetite, taste changes, and sleeping difficulty. The most severe side effect was stated as follow: alopecia, sleeping difficulty, decreased appetite, fever/neutropenia, and constipation. The occurrence of side effects was no significant in three courses of chemotherapy. The severeness of the side effects in the first-therapy was higher than third-therapy (p=0.039). The frequency of side effects of VIP regimen (Mean=9.75) was more than Cisplantin adding other chemotherapy medicines (Mean=6.08) (p<.05) in the third-therapy. These findings provide guidance to providers the health care providers to promote quality of care by educating self-care activities for these Gynecological cancer patients who received their initial chemotherapy.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)29-43
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002

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