
Hua-Pi Tseng

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本研究以陽明山國家公園為例,除概述其設置的歷史外,並列舉各種開發行為如何在國家公園法和施行細則的規定下,受到管制,用以證明國家公園制度在自然資源保育上,具有正面的功能。 經由本個案,可知「適宜的環境政策,有益於自然資源保育」,並且證明了「國家公園制度」是檢驗北臺灣自然資原保育和生態永續發展成效的一個憑藉和指標。
This case study tries to prove that the system of National Park would function positively to the conservation of natural resources. It will firstly trace the brief history of Yangminshan National Park and then list all the evidence about how the system works to regulate human cultivations and activities of the economic development under the implementation of National Park Law and Regulations. The Yangminshan case demonstrates that human environment can benefit from an appropriate policy. In addition, this case also shows that the system of National Park can be regarded as critical criteria for both the natural conservation in Northern Taiwan and ecologically sustainable development.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)173-213
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2001

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